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Blog Policy

This blog is a personal travel blog that I write for my own purposes. This blog does not accept any form of advertising, sponsorship or paid insertions. I am not compensated to provide opinion on any products, services, websites, and various other topic.


Please discuss, share, comment! I am looking forward to receiving your comments, suggestions, and ideas that would make my blog a better place. I try to do my best to ensure the highest level of accuracy. If you find any facts that are incorrect, let me know. I remove all the comments classified as spam, discriminatory or offensive.


You are most welcome to share my posts! When sharing them, please, provide direct link to my blog. If I share a view, opinion or facts, I will state the source and provide link to the source.


All images posted on this blog are courtesy of Pixaby and/or my own. 


My disclosure policy is valid as of February 3, 2020.


Uffff, I guess that's it! Let's dive in!




About Me

Hi, I am Martina! I have travelled the world only to discover that the most beautiful places and amazing adventures lie just outside my own doorstep.


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